Tree & Debris Removal Services

Tree & Debris Removal Services

NC Urban Forest Council Trees & Storms Resources Page has extensive information on storm prepardness and aftermath cleanup. Baptists on Mission offers tree and debris removal. If you need help clearing debris or trees from your driveway or creating a path to your...
What Makes Us Different

What Makes Us Different

McDonald’s isn’t in the hamburger business. They’re in the real estate business because their locations sit on the most valuable pieces of property in an area. Starbucks isn’t in the coffee business. They’re in the social business. They...
Can Storm Damaged Trees be Used for Lumber?

Can Storm Damaged Trees be Used for Lumber?

There’s more than just snow left on the ground from the Blizzard of 2018. There’s tons of trees. We’ve gotten calls asking if those trees can still be used for lumber. The answer is YES! Here’s what you need to know: How Big Should a Tree be to...
Chris Carroll GATE Success Story

Chris Carroll GATE Success Story

In 2011, Chris was chosen as the small business success story of the year by the Growing America Through Entrepreneurship program. He was featured in Advantage West Magazine. You can read the full article here.
Which is Cheaper – Hiring a Saw Mill or Buying your Lumber?

Which is Cheaper – Hiring a Saw Mill or Buying your Lumber?

UPDATED FOR 2021 The number one question landowners ask us: Is it cheaper to have lumber milled from your own property or buy it from a big box store?  When this article was originally written, there was no pandemic and life was….well, normal! Covid changed...